Updates on Sparky and Bob Again

Hello – it is November!

As many of you know, Sparky somehow hurt his back leg almost a month ago. He was unable to bear weight on his left hind. He has been confined to a stall since his mishap, and a vet came out shortly after we noticed he was injured to take an xray.

Because the injury was in his stifle, Dr. Jan was unable to perform an xray. She did an exam and recommended euthanasia due to his age.

We started him on banamine, then bute. Two weeks in, we noticed no difference. Three weeks later, Sparky developed thrush in his front left. It was painful for him. We treated that and he rallied. We stopped the bute and started giving Previcox. One thing about Sparky – he never lost his appetite!!!! Yesterday I thought I saw him putting weight on the leg. Today when I came home he was walking on all fours! It isn’t perfect, but he is healing!!!!

Bob Again is still in quarantine. He has shown no signs of communicable disease. We want to schedule his ride north, but that will cost almost $900. We still owe the quarantine barn/shipper $875 plus another $168 in quarantine charges. We lack the funds to pay this without help.

We would like to sell some tack to make money for Bob Again’s return. Please PM or text Sue at 608-792-5126 if you are interested in coming to see what we have – there are English and Western saddles……..bridles, breast collars, tack galore. Due to my lack of time since I am teaching full time and caring for horses when I am not teaching, it would be best to have an open house policy where you could come on over and browse and make offers on things you see that you may like. Please help us help Bob Again!