Happy Holidays

We wish you the best of health and happiness this Christmas season.

Remember, it is not too late to click on the Pay Pal button on our web site’s home page to make a donation before the end of the year. It costs ASAP $75 – $100 a week just for senior feed for the many 25-34 year old horses living out their days at the ASAP farm. Without gifts, the horses will not be maintained to standard.

Your gift is tax deductible!!!

Also we are once again hopeful that Hawthorne Race Course will be our major sponsor for two upcoming horse fairs. We were sponsored by Hawthorne last year, and we are hoping that they will do the same going into 2017.

Thank you to all who donated to our campaign that will be matched by Bill Gates’ Foundation. Thanks to Lori H. for coordinating this and posting it on ASAP’s behalf! Thanks to Curt A. for volunteering at ASAP. His volunteerism has translated into $500 so far, given by Walmart. Since Curt is an employee of Walmart, this superstore gives back for each hour Curt gives of his time to the horses. What a gift!

We pray for the strength to keep going daily this winter – we are so happy that we are over the solstice “hump” of the shortest day with least day light – and we are already saying, “Hurry up Spring!”

Thanks to all who make such a difference in the lives of each horse on the farm, and to those of you who support the horses with your giving. We continue into our 23rd year starting in January. Without you we could not continue!
